Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Blog 2-28

_ What are the advantages of a multiple column grid.?

A multiple column grid helps in fitting lots of text within one spread while still keeping the text organized in an aesthetically pleasing fashion.

_ How many characters is optimal for a line length? words per line?

About 6-8 words.

_ Why is the baseline grid used in design?

The baseline grid is used mainly for to organize spreads.

_ What is a typographic river?

A typographic river are the white spaces running through the paragraphs of text.

_ From the readings what does clothesline or flow line mean?

They separate columns horizontally to create a better alignment... or something.

_ How can you incorporate white space into your designs?

White space can be used to group certain bodies of text

_ What is type color/texture mean?

Size, tracking, leading, weight of text, etc.

_ What is x-height, how does it effect type color?

X-height refers to the height of the baseline in relationship to a lowercase x

_ In justification or H&J terms what do the numbers: minimum, optimum, maximum mean?

Minimum - lowest space allowed, maximum - most space allowed, optimum - preferred space allowed

_ What are some ways to indicate a new paragraph. Are there any rules?

The most common example is the indenting of a new paragraph. However, you can use different line spacing, change of typographic color, etc.

_ What are some things to look out for when hyphenating text.

More or less using the right dashes to convey the right message.

_ What is a literature?

_ What does CMYK and RGB mean?

C- Cyan M- Magenta Y - Yellow K - Black. R - Red G - Gree B - Blue

_ What does hanging punctuation mean?

Punctuation that does not interrupt the alignment of the text, so they are usually set outside of the box of text.

_ What is the difference between a foot mark and an apostrophe?

A foot mark goes straight up and down, while an apostrophe curves

_ What is the difference between an inch mark and a quote mark (smart quote)?

Basically the same as the different between a foot mark and an apostrophe. An inch make has both marks going straight up and down, while quote marks usually curve and alternate directions.
_ What is a hyphen, en dash and em dashes, what are the differences and when are they used.

Hyphen - short dash; usually to conjoin something. En dash - longer dash; indicates "through" i.e Monday through Friday. Em dash - longest dash; indicates a long pause.

_ What are ligatures, why are they used, when are they not used, what are common ligatures

A ligature occurs where two or more graphemes are joined as a single glyph.